How AI is Helping Absolute Care Services Get Assessments Done in 15-minutes, when it Used to Take them Several Hours

Miriam Allred Miriam Allred

“I start the [assessment] process and go get a cup of coffee. I come back, and everything is done,” says Priscilla Hiram, Clinical Director at Absolute Care Services.

Priscilla leads a team of nurses and caregivers that oversee approximately 80 clients, while bringing on 1-2 new clients every week.

They’ve been using Careswitch for nearly two years and have enjoyed incorporating AI into their day-to-day operations.

“AI is instrumental in enhancing our capabilities as a team. We’re able to be more productive and do more work quickly and easily.”

Care Planning with AI

In their agency, the care planning process used to take the nursing team about 2 hours—now it’s only taking them 15 minutes. Here’s how they do it:

  • The Nurse gathers all the intake/assessment details out in the field using the agency intake and assessment template.
  • The Nurse then emails the documentation (photo of notes or uploaded PDF) to the office.
  • Priscilla uploads the PDF into Careswitch’s AI, Looper; the AI reads the image and generates a draft of the assessment, based on the agency Assessment template that was created in their Careswitch settings.
  • Priscilla reviews the Assessment draft, requests the nurses to makes minor edits if needed, and marks the assessment as completed.
  • Then Priscilla uses a 1-click button to allow AI to generate a Care Plan from the completed Assessment (also using their custom Care Plan template created in Careswitch).
  • Priscilla reviews the Care Plan draft, makes any edits, and completes the Care Plan by hitting ‘Signs & Activate’.

99% Accuracy

“The AI reads the data and populates an Assessment or Care Plan into sections, with highlighted text and bullet points, in just seconds.”

“The more we feed the AI, the more I’m getting data that’s deep. For example, if I have a client with dementia, the AI will generate a care plan specific to dementia and it’s giving deeper insights that I didn’t even think of. I read the AI generated Care Plan and think ‘Oh, that’s a really good point.’ It’s thinking deeply about the condition, the diagnosis, and coming up with real factors that our team should monitor.”

“As long as our Nurses document clear information, the AI is usually 99% accurate.”

Person-Centered Care Delivery

Additionally, the caregivers that work for Absolute Care Services have commented on the improved quality of Care Plans.

The caregivers have commented to Priscilla that they appreciate the extra details on the care plans—for example, the additional details on allergies, preferences, or home environment help them come more prepared to the home and enables them to provide more person-centered care to the client.

“One of the things I love most about AI is that it’s like a teacher for me, as a nurse—it double checks my work, picks up on things I didn’t think of, and enriches and simplifies the care plans for the caregivers to easily understand.”

“I am often challenged to think outside the box and find my interactions with AI exciting,” says Priscilla.


Want to see how your nursing team can shave hours off the care planning process by using AI?

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